Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Doing well

Yes, Im maintaining my weight. Hope it doesnt increase till 1st June.
Im starting to eat salad. VEGETABLES! Everyone who noes me know that I dont eat veg at all. Except brocolli. kekekz. Maybe cabbage in soup. Sambal with kangkong...Thats all.

Im looking forward to my b-day. This fri meeting Jacmama. Sunday will be with family celebrating my bday.

Im so craving for ice-cream n cakes. But I cant have much of those. Maybe a small slice of cakey. A few mouth of ice-cream. Thats all. *sadded*

Thursday, May 13, 2010

3rd day

Its the 3rd day I followed Dietitian's diet.
Have to do self-pricking blood glucose test tdy.
7 times a day: Before and after breakfast,
Before and after lunch,
Before and after dinner,
Lastly, before supper.

I pass the before breakfast range. But I failed the after breakfast range by 0.2. WHY?
I failed the before lunch range. WHY? I guess must be something do with my snack @ tea-break. But I'm allow to eat 1 slice of wholemeal bread during tea-break. Sigh
I'm at the border line for after lunch.

I follow the diet closely. I tried to eat less for each meal. STILL DIN'T WORK FOR ME.

Today, baby didnt move that much, didnt perform any kungfu fighting stunts does make me worry.

I sat on the toilet bowl, poking my tummy, asking him to kick kick me. HE DID! He "replied".
I'm glad he react to me.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Feeling pretty bad

Im feeling down. I knew no point crying. But I cant help it.

Yeap. I hit jackpot. I've got gestational diabetes. I failed the glucose test.

I'm feeling unsure if my baby going to be alright.
Thou doc said it mild. I failed by 0.1~

How can I not worried? How can I not feeling scare?
Its definitely not what I want.

For sure my hubby, my mum, my parents-in-law going to blame me on it.
I dont feel like going home. Coz I don't want all the nagging from them.

I cant hold back my tears. Crying non-stop doesnt help anything better.

I'm always looking forward to the day he come to this world....
Now, Im scare the day come....
I cant imagine he might have to undergo some extra test just becoz his mummy has G.D.

My mood will highly affect him for now, for today~